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Lasik and Smile Surgery

Myopia And Its Treatment

Unclear vision on distant objects or the objects that are located at a quite long distance makes you have Myopia namely Short Sightedness. Myopia is due to the fall of light on different focuses on the eye, except the Retina. The starting stage of Myopia is generally observed in school going kids. Myopia is noted in Diopters and the rate of myopia infection is defined as Low (-5 Diopters), Medium (-5 to -10 Diopters) and High (more than -10 Diopters). Periodic retina checks up reduces the eye strain on focusing the distant objects.

Hyperopia And Its Treatment

Cloudy and unclear vision of the close and nearby objects are the main symptoms of hyperopia or Long Sightedness. Your retina strains to view the close objects with clear light and visions. Proper medications help to limit the tiredness of the eye on long sightedness. It is a common vision problem and is identified at the age group between 14 to 20 years.

Astigmatism And Its Treatment

Astigmatism is an optical defect, whereby vision is blurred due to the inability of the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image on the retina.The treatment options for all these refractive errors are:
  • Optical Services / Spectacles: Spectacles are inexpensive and safe and offer clear vision and are low maintenance.A scientific optical dispensing unit with an entire array of the latest in lenses and frames laid out in a pleasant and attractive display is also available in-house.
  • Contact lenses: Ease your difficulties of eye sight wearables and increase your eye contact in a more presentable way. Make use of contact lenses for better eye vision and eliminate the use of wearing glass for the long time. Contact lenses are to be used as per the advisory of the doctors based on your optic health. Contact lenses limits the usage of spectacles which leads to the permanent black marks on your face. Usage of the contact lenses depends on the type and variant of the lens that are chosen by the patients. We have a different contact lens which suits the different needs of the patients. Irrespective of the lens type, lenses are advised to remove daily after its defined usage time. Contact lenses of Soft, Semi Soft. Toric, Cosmetic, Disposable and Customized lenses are made available to the patients.

Frequently Asked Question's(FAQ's)

1. What Happens When I Come To The Hospital For A Checkup?

During your visit to our hospital, you will first be taken through a routine checkup of your refraction by a team of qualified optometrists. This will be followed by a corneal topography (Pentacam) and the dilatation of your pupils for a detailed retinal exam by a consultant.

2. Is The Procedure Long And Painful?

The procedure is an outpatient one which requires you to come to the hospital only on the day of the surgery with a relative or a friend. The procedure is done under topical anesthesia (after the application of drops) and is not painful. You need to simply lie down on a couch and look up at the microscope. The whole procedure is usually over in 10-12 minutes for both the eyes.

3. What Do I Do After The Lasik Eye Surgery?

You can return home the same day. You may feel some discomfort in the initial few hours that is easily reduced by oral pain killers. You will have to come for a follow up visit the next day after Laser Eye surgery and thereafter as advised by your surgeon.

4. Are There Any Restrictions After The Laser Eye Surgery?

You are asked to refrain from splashing water in the eyes and avoid any kind of injury to them for a period of two weeks after the LASIK procedure. In all other respects, like reading, writing, watching television, working on a computer, traveling and doing household chores, you can return back to normalcy the very next day after the treatment.

5. Are There Any Dietary Restrictions?

You are asked to refrain from splashing water in the eyes and avoid any kind of injury to them for a period of two weeks after the LASIK procedure. In all other respects, like reading, writing, watching television, working on a computer, traveling and doing household chores, you can return back to normalcy the very next day after the treatment.

6. Can My Power Recur?

It is extremely unlikely. When patients are treated for very high powers there could be a residual power which can be assessed and will be informed to the patient even before the procedure

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your eye


Correct the short sightedness at less pain, outstanding results and shorter operational time duration. Increase your chance of having back your original optic vision with the most advanced ReLex Smile. ReLex Smile elimin ates your time on manual carving of cornea first layer. Get your eyesight to the maximum vision on the myopia. ReLex Smile decreases your pain at the time of operation and post operation.

What Is Special About LASIK?

At Rithika's Surgery and Eye Clinic, you can get the advantage of the very best of technology in the most experienced hands. There has been a continuous process of up-gradation of our software in trend with the latest developments in technology. Optilasik which promises excellent quality of vision is customized laser ablation, specific, tailor-made to each individual eye. Along with the excimer laser system, a high precision integrated diagnostic system optimizes the vision correction.

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